Sunday, February 20, 2011

Strange Behavior

All week I reminded myself that I had a dentist appointment this afternoon, yet 12:35pm rolled around and I was completely caught off guard by my dentist calling to say that he and his assistant would be out to lunch, but they should be back in time for my 1pm appointment.

Naturally, I was still in my pajamas and not entirely awake due to an over-zealous night of drinking at the Starlight Room and Gold Dust Lounge. I assured my dentist that it was alright, and that I might be a little late myself due to the heavy rain and traffic. Immediately after hanging up, I performed my morning ablutions and threw on some pants. I eschewed changing out of my pajama shirt as I was already wearing a bulky sweatshirt over it; and time was of the essence since it normally takes twenty minutes for me to get to my dentist's office.

Thankfully, I arrived only five minutes after my scheduled appointment, and the rest went swimmingly. However, this is not the strange behavior alluded to in the above title. This is just the prelude.

At the dentist's office, as I was waiting for the Novocain to kick in, I gazed out the window on the street below. I had a good view of the laundromat across the street, and I noticed that a tan-colored sedan was just sitting in the middle of the street. The driver didn't have her signal or hazard lights on. She was just sitting there, blocking traffic. I peered into the cars parked in front of her, but there was no sign of someone getting ready to pull out, which would have explained why she was camping. For a good ten minutes, she just sat there, only moving once to back up her car and then pull forward again for no apparent reason.

Finally, a couple women crossed the street and got into their car, which just so happened to be right in front of our camper's vehicle. They left, and the tan sedan finally pulled in to park. Less than a minute later, the owner of the SUV parked right next to her arrived, got in his car, and left. The woman in the tan sedan responded by backing out of the space she had just parked into and taking the recently vacated spot.

Watching this woman's strange behavior, I couldn't imagine why she would waste so much of her time sitting in her car, waiting for a space, only to immediately back out again just to take the space next to her. On top of which, the SUV's spot was actually a little further away from the laundromat, which was the driver's ultimate destination. I supposed I understand why she would want to wait for a spot right in front since it was raining and she seemed to have a ton of laundry (as evidenced by the fact that she made two trips in and out with one of the laundromat's clothing rack/baskets on wheels), but I really don't get why she would swoop in on the SUV's spot. Whatever the reason, I'm glad I don't know this person. She seems like she would be an insufferable laundry mate.


  1. you are trying to over think the idiots in this world, poor genetics have caused these people to do stupid things i wouldnt think too much into it

  2. haha, I just thought it was amusing. I can't imagine having so much time on my hands that I'll sit in the street waiting for a parking spot, is all.
