Sunday, July 13, 2008

Stood Up

I can't really remember when I wrote this little bit; it was at least a year ago. It seems somewhat promising, since it's a type of personality and relationship that I've never explored in my writing. My characters are rarely this flawed, if they have flaws at all, ha. Plus, it actually makes me cringe reading it. I feel that I really conveyed her frustration and hopelessness, but at the same time showed how pathetic she is when it comes to this one guy. Because aren't we all a little pathetic when it comes to that guy (or girl)? Yeah, you know what I'm talking about.

Ella hated when he did shit like this. Once again, Daniel had stood her up without even trying. They were supposed to meet for coffee, a simple get together to chat and enjoy each other's company, but it meant so much more to her now that he was getting busier and busier at his new job. She had set up the whole thing, made sure that he was free that day, and begged him to come out with her. It made her heart ache everytime she heard his deep, smooth voice. But all her entreaties were for nothing.

They were supposed to meet at 3:00 pm, so she called him at 2:30 to make sure he remembered.

No answer.

Ella thought nothing of it; maybe he just didn't hear his phone. She got her things together, made sure her keys were in the side pocket of her purse, checked her makeup in the mirror, and called Daniel again at 2:40 pm.

No answer.

Now she was a little irritated. If he was paying attention to his phone, which he always was, he should have seen her first missed call already. Still, Ella had hope in his punctuality. She checked her makeup again, put on her shoes and jacket, and walked out the door, confident that he would call her back in the interum. By the time she exited her building, it was 2:45 pm. There was still time to drive to his place and pick him up, but she had to make sure that he was waiting for her. Convinced that third time was a charm, Ella called Daniel once again.

No answer.

Three missed calls. Ella walked to her car and got inside, staring at her phone, willing it to ring. She sighed in disgust and just as she turned on the ignition, the phone rang.

"Hi," she said cheerily, as if she wasn't pissed off that he didn't answer her calls. "Are you ready?"

She heard a groan. "I'm feeling pretty sick."

Her heart fell. He was using "I'm sick" as an excuse? "So I guess you don't want to go out..."

"No, not really."

Ella waited for him to say something more, even just a simple sorry, but the line was silent. "Alright then," she forced out, trying to maintain a chipper tone of voice.

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