Thursday, March 3, 2011

Reacquainting Myself With "Free Cell"

I started a new job recently, and since I’m still in my probationary period, I don’t have a whole lot of work to do yet. I find myself finishing all my assigned tasks too quickly, and then I have three more hours left until I can go home for the day. As a result, I've been spending a lot of time playing "Free Cell," which I was surprised to find that I had kind of forgotten how to play.

In any case, my current project is writing about a specific type of software, and next week my content will go up on a website tailored to give information about that software. I could write extra articles and profiles of the companies that develop the software, but I’ve been spending so much time on those that it gets tiring looking at the same information constantly.

Despite all the things I’ve read about it, I still don’t feel like I know anything about this software. I can’t test it out because it’s meant to be implemented by a business or a corporation in their operations; and the companies that develop the software write their site content in order to sell it, not necessarily to describe how it works. On top of that, most people who are looking into this stuff already know how the software works, so the few descriptions that do exist are maddeningly vague or full of jargon I don’t understand yet.

As you can imagine, it makes writing original content very difficult. If I don’t understand the nuances of the thing I’m writing about, then there’s very little variation open to me in coming up with article topics. It’s been a little frustrating creatively, and I think it’s also kind of suppressing my creative process in general. All week I’ve been trying to think of something interesting to write for this blog, but nothing came to me: my head is just filled with details about this software. I even had two dreams over the past week about work, which were crazy dull as I'm sure you can imagine.

On the other hand, my office is a pretty good place to work. It’s still a small company, so everyone is very friendly and familiar with each other. Most of the people in the office generally go out for lunch together several times a week; and my co-workers are very into finding the best food within driving distance of the office, so our lunches are always fun and filled with great food. I think the oldest person in the office in his early 40s, and the rest of us are in our late 20s/early 30s, so it’s a young office too. The casual atmosphere is awesome, I feel pretty lucky to be working here. There’s even a Wii and Playstation 2 set up right in the middle of the office!

So, I’m really looking forward to having more to do around here. Next week should pick up a bit, and then hopefully I can get my creativity rolling again.

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